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Financial Analysis

Financial Analysis

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Income Statement
Gross premium written 4,085 3,823.1 3,284.0 2,746.9 2,505.3 2,408.7
Net premium revenue 3,085 2970.4 2,398.4 2,163.1 2,136.2 2,246.6
Underwriting expenses (3,240) -2785.1 (2,280.5) (2,046.8) (2,024.5) (2,116.7)
Underwriting results (154.8) 185.3 117.8 116.3 111.7 129.9
Investment income and other income 531.5 84.9 110.8 204.1 152.1 70.7
Other expenses (283.1) -236.0 (233.9) (240.8) (207.8) (165.9)
Surplus on merger 1,079
Profit / (Loss) before tax for the year 1,172 65.1 (5.2) 79.6 56.0 34.7
Profit / (Loss) after tax 1,127 18.3 (9.7) 39.8 30.5 23.8
Other Comprehensive Income (38.0) -81.5 196.4 22.4 (4.4) 10.9
Total Comprehensive Income 1,089 -63.3 186.7 62.2 26.1 34.7
Balance Sheet
Paid up share capital 2,027 2026.7 1,393.1 946.7 946.7 955.6
Accumulated (losses) /Unappropriated profits 459.9 -59.8 (65.3) (164.5) (114.0) 8.0
Other comprehensive income reserve 69.5 107.5 189.0 (7.3) (29.7) (26.7)
Other capital reserves 124.6 124.6 77.6 24.1
Participant’s Takaful Fund (42.5) -54.7 (67.5) 41.4 (48.9) (170.3)
Total Equity 2,638.2 2144.3 1,526.9 840.4 754.1 766.6
Investments 2,256 1740.0 1,390.4 920.8 729.4 1,026.3
Fixed assets 300.8 422.0 401.2 257.5 426.5 122.0
Capital work in progress 2.6 7.6
Cash and bank deposits 1,996.5 1569.4 1,046.4 913.4 702.4 251.9
Other assets 2,755.4 2241.0 1,987.1 1,409.5 1,105.2 1,216.9
Total Assets 7,308.7 5971.4 4,786.1 3,501.2 2,966.1 2,624.7
Underwriting liabilities 3,075.8 2828.7 2,393.3 1,970.8 1,505.1 1,447.4
Other liabilities 1,594.7 998.4 929.9 690.0 706.9 410.7
Total Liabilities 4,670.8 3827.1 3,259.2 2,660.8 2,212.0 1,858.1
2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Profit Before Tax / Gross Premium % 28.7% 1.7 -0.20 2.90 2.20 1.40
Profit Before Tax / Net Premium % 38.1% 2.2 -0.20 3.70 2.60 1.50
Profit After Tax / Gross Premium % 27.6% 0.5 -0.30 1.40 1.20 1.00
Profit After Tax / Net Premium % 36.6% 0.6 -0.40 1.80 1.40 1.10
Underwriting Result / Gross Premium % -3.8% 4.8% 3.60 4.20 4.50 5.40