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Auto Insurance

Protect your vehicle from depreciation. Get comprehensive auto insurance and preserve its value.


Key Features



Protect your car with TPL Comprehensive Auto Insurance, offering coverage from minor damages to total loss situations.


Zero Depreciation

Safeguard older cars with Comprehensive Insurance, shielding against aging, wear, and tear for lasting value.


Secure T

Preserve old car memories with Secure T. It covers total loss, theft, third party, and terrorism.



It covers theft, third party protection, cost-effective rates, and some more added features.



Drive smart, earn rewards. track, redeem points for discounts with TPL Insurance Mobile App.

What we Covered

Features Comprehensive Zero Depreciation DrivePro Secure T Self-Insurance 2T
Car Type New, Old Old New Old New, Old Old
Third Party
Total Loss
Depreciation Waiver

Frequently Asked Questions

It is an accidental policy that covers your vehicle from all aspects, i.e., Accidental (external means), Fire, Riot and Strike, Atmospheric Disturbance, Earthquake, Theft/Snatch, and Third Party Liability.
It is policy in which tracker is not installed by TPL Insurance.
Yes this can be done through a letter or email.
It is an amount which is borne by you if you make any claim. It is applicable on certain makes and models of vehicles. For details please contact our call center on 111-000-301.
Our insurance policy is applicable in the geographical limits of Pakistan, therefore, no overseas cover is provided under the policy.
Yes, provided they meet with the insurer’s terms and conditions. Please call our customer services team on 111-000-301.
No, in most cases we can simply change your vehicle details on your policy. Depending on your new vehicle, the premium will be adjusted accordingly. Please call our customer services team on 111-000-301 for a quote.
For security reasons it is advisable that the policyholder deals directly with us. You can, however, nominate another person to contact us on your behalf, if necessary. You will have to provide permission and the nominated person(s) details. For security purposes, we will keep their details on file. Named drivers do not automatically have authorization to discuss the policy or make any amendments, unless you have given permission.
The insurance policy cannot be sold to any other person.
Trakker installed in your vehicle is not for sale.
Yes, we cover your vehicle under Commercial Vehicle Policy with CV-4 clause.
You are required to submit a written application along with original policy documents. You also need to advise TPL Insurance for removal of the vehicle tracker device installed by TPL Insurance.
Yes, the Company may cancel the policy by giving seven day notice period.
It is a policy in which the Insured bears an excess/deductible of Rs. 10,000 on each and every claim.
All the information must watch with your details in Registration book including CC, make, model, Fuel Type, Seating Capacity etc. You will receive your documents within 3 working days.
You can call our contact center on 111-000-301.
In case of an accident the driver must hold a valid driving license failing which claim is rejected.
You can cancel your policy at any time. Cancellation, however, is subject to short period rates that are mentioned in your policy document. Kindly note that once policy is issued the government levies and taxes are not refundable.
No, unless you are moving to an area that is not generally covered by us.
All exceptions are mentioned in your policy, for details you may contact our call center on 111-000-301.
We shall require an application after which a new certificate will be provided free of charge.
The Trakker unit installed in vehicle is owned by TPL Insurance and it cannot be sold out with the vehicle.
Yes, provided he/she has valid driving license.
There are no fees for cancellation, however, refund of premium on cancellation is subject certain deduction on account of short period, claim taken on policy, Government levies and taxes, etc.
The insurer shall not be liable under this policy in respect of:
1. Any accident loss, damage and/or liability caused sustained or incurred outside the geographical area.
2. Any claim arising out of any contractual liability.
3. Any accident loss, damage and/or liability caused sustained or incurred whilst any motor car in respect of or in connection with which insurance is granted under this policy is:
a) Being used otherwise than in accordance with the limitations as to use; or
b) Being driven by any person other than a driver as described in the schedule;
c) Being used as rent vehicle
4. a) Any accident, loss or damage to any property whatsoever or any loss or expense whatsoever resulting or arising therefrom or any consequential loss;
4. b) Any liability of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to, by or arising from ionizing radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel. For the purposes of this exception combustion shall include any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission.
5. Any accident loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by or arising from nuclear weapons material.
6. Any accident loss, damage and/or liability caused sustained or incurred after any variation in or termination of the insured’s interest in the motor car.
7. Any liability whatsoever in nature, directly or indirectly, caused by or contributed to or by, arising from any act of terrorism of any person or organization.
8. Any claim arising out of illegal or criminal activities of the Insured or with the consent of the Insured.
9. Any claim which is found to be fraudulent and
a) Insured or anyone acting on the insured’s behalf has provided false and/or forged documents or has provided delayed information to the insurer;
b) It is found that the vehicle has not been legitimately registered with the respective authorities by the insured or any previous owner of the vehicle, as required under the law
10. If any stolen vehicle has been recovered, but due to it being in the possession of the Law Enforcing Agencies/Court. It will then be the insured’s responsibility to initiate legal proceeding for the return of the vehicle, under intimation to the insurer. The insurer shall not be liable in respect of any accident, loss, damage and/or liability, directly or indirectly, proximately or remotely, occasioned by, contributed to by or traceable to or arising out of or in connection with war, invasion, the act of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike operations (whether before or after 05 declaration of war), civil war, mutiny, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to a popular rising, military rising, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped commotion, assuming the proportions of or amounting to a connection with any organization with activities directed towards the overthrow by force of the Government, de jure or de facto, or to the influencing of it by terrorism or violence or by any direct of indirect consequences of any of the said occurrences and except under Section 21 (a) of this policy whilst the insured or any person driving with the general knowledge and consent of the insured is under the influence of intoxicating liquor, drugs and in the event of any claim hereunder the insured shall prove that the accident loss, damage and/or liability arose independently of and was in no way connected with or occasioned by or contributed to/by or traceable to any of the said occurrences of any consequence thereof and in default of such proof the insurer shall not be liable to make any payment in respect of such a claim.
The policy covers accidental (external means), Fire, Riot and Strike, Terrorism, Atmospheric Disturbance, Earthquake, Theft/Snatch, and Third Party Liability.
No. You have to contact our underwriting department for the coverage and additional premium of accessories other than factory fitted.
CV-4 clause is applicable on commercial vehicles. If vehicle meets with an accident then under this clause head lights, back lights, front and rear bumpers and paint claim will not be covered.
Yes, we provide an amount of Rs. 350 (any one accident) if you sustain any injury whilst driving the insured vehicle.
Items which is not part of your vehicle and any item which is installed by yourself for decoration, pleasure and convenience until specifically endorsed in the insurance policy.
Third-Party Liability coverage is part of your Basic Auto plan and covers you for accident claim made by third parties for loss or damage to their vehicle or property.
Yes, provided your policy type is without a vehicle tracker. However, if your policy type is with a vehicle tracker, then insurance cover starts after installation of the vehicle tracking device.
Any modifications that improve your car’s value, performance, handling or attractiveness may be unacceptable. Please call our contact center on 111-000-301 for coverage and premium.
You can contact our call center for changes. If the change involves any monetary amount we shall charge you accordingly.
There is no grace period.
Lodge the claim at our 24 hour Call Centre and intimate your claim.
All claims should be reported as soon as possible to our contact center immediately.
If your vehicle is fitted with TPL Trakker device, you have to report it immediately to Trakker Control Room on 111-000-300 and in case of non-recovery, contact our Call Centre at 111-000-301. If your vehicle is without TPL Trakker device, you have to contact our Call Centre at 111-000-301 for lodging of your claim.
You have to tow it to nearest workshop (designated by us) or contact EVAC (if you have the facility). Contact our call center for further assistance.
By notifying us as soon as possible about an accident, we can settle your claim quickly and can take measures to prevent further loss. Moreover, instant reporting of a claim will help you to narrate the entire incidence that is fresh.
We require following documents
a) Original Claim Form duly completed signed,
b) Original FIR,
c) Original Registration Book along with 1st Page,
d) Original Insurance Policy and Certificate,
e) Original Return File From Excise & Taxation Department,
f) Original Number Plates,
g) Physical Possession of Damaged vehicle along with all Accessories,
h) Letter of Acceptance,
i) Letter of Subrogation,
j) Transfer Letter in the name of TPL Insurance Limited) Loss Vouchers,
k) Copies of CNIC & Driving License of Insured and Driver,
l) Statement of Driver.
The claim is recorded immediately when reported to us. It is processed within 24 hours, however, claim settlement few claims may take a longer time for settlement depending upon the extent of damage and especially where the quantum of claim cannot be gauged unless relevant parts are dismantled. However, our benchmark is to process your claim within 7 days after receipt of all necessary claim documents as required by the claims department.
It is very much necessary that as soon as loss incur you report the incidence to the Company, in case you repaired the vehicle without informing, the liability of the Company will not be more than Rs. 500.
Yes, but there are certain conditions.
If you declare the purpose of use before commencement of Insurance and agreed on terms and conditions of the Company, otherwise rent vehicles are not covered under the scope of Private Vehicle Insurance.
These are costs you may incur as a result of an accident, that are not already covered by your motor insurance policy, e.g. any accessory that is not endorsed in the policy.
It is an amount which you have to pay, if parts are replaced with new ones in case of damage.
You need to lodge the claim with details of the insurance of the third party at whose fault the incident occurred. If the claim is charged to the third party or his insurer then your policy will not influence your No Claims discount.
Part(s) will only be replaced if it is damaged to an extent where it cannot be repaired.
Depreciation is applicable from date of manufacturing.
You just have to dial our call center on 111-000-301 and report the loss after providing brief details of the incident.
On accessories theft claim, we requireOn partial losses in which a vehicle is hit by some object, we require
a) Copy of valid Driving license of Insured/Driver,
b) Copy of CNIC of Insured and driver,
c) Police report, if accident had taken place on Highway,
d) Copy of Insurance certificate,
e) Copy of registration book.
On accessories theft claim, we require
a) Copy of valid Driving license of Insured/Driver,
b) Copy of CNIC of Insured and driver,
c) Police report/roznamcha
d) Copy of Insurance certificate
e) Copy of registration book.
Courtesy car is provided on Theft/Snatch and Total Loss claims on comprehensive cover with an add-on of courtesy car. The courtesy car will be provided if we are unable to provide you the claim cheque after 7 days of submission of all required claim documents.
If the cost on the repair of an accidental vehicle is more than 50% of vehicle’s current market value, it is likely that such vehicle will be declared as Total Loss as it is uneconomical to get the vehicle repaired.
The maximum claim amount is the sum insured which is given in case of Total Loss and Theft/Snatch cases.
The insurance policy is a contract between Insured and the Insurer, as soon as any change is brought in any details of the Insured or the item insured it had to be informed to the Insurer therefore, when vehicle is sold out to any person, even a family member, the policy becomes void and the new owner cannot take claim from the Insurance Company.
Yes, you should always tell your insurance company about any incident involving the insured even if no Claim is needed.
Registration of vehicle is necessary and pre-requisite for entertaining claim. If you have not registered your vehicle, the claim department will not settle the workshop bill and payment will have to be made by yourself. You can get reimbursement of your claim amount from Insurance Company after getting your vehicle registered and providing all the necessary documents that includes claim form, invoices, copy of driving license, copy of registration book, copy of CNIC of Insured, or any other relevant document as and may require by the Insurance Company.
No. Claims that are incurred during the currency of the policy period shall be entertained.
Yes, it falls under third party Bodily injury.
We have arrangements with 3s and Non 3S workshops, please go through the repairer list attached with your policy and get your vehicle repaired from these workshops.
If the policy is comprehensive insurance your vehicle as well as third party damage will be taken care of by us, subject to production of insurance policy and details of the third party claim.
This is accidental policy and any mechanical or electrical faults or seizing of engine or fault of any part is not covered under this policy.
1. Vehicle Reg. No. is Correct, if not kindly call our Call Centre and notify immediately
2. Sum Insured of the vehicle. If it is less/greater than market value than you should increase/decrease the sum insured.
Claim loading is applied when you take claim and is applied on renewal. For each claim 10% loading is charged on renewal. If you take 2 claims during your policy period, claim loading of 20% will be applied on renewal.
Any claim that is being resolved will affect the renewal premium. Once the claim is settled your premium will be adjusted accordingly.
No, it’s mandatory for insurance.
No Claim Bonus (NCB) is the discount which the Company allows on renewal if no claim made during the policy period. 5% NCB is provided on renewal and each subsequent year 5% is provided till it reaches 25%. In case of a claim two stages of NCB is withdrawn on renewal.
No. If you have 15% NCB and you take one claim then on renewal you shall be entitled of 5% NCB.
Need to inform our renewal team or at our contact center. In case where the vehicle tracker device is owned by us please ensure that this is removed by TPL Insurance. For query please call on 111-000-301.