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Property Insurance

Property Insurance

Explore the world of Property Insurance in Pakistan, a crucial financial tool designed to protect your valuable assets. Whether you own a home, business property, or rental units, property insurance offers a safety net against unexpected events.


Product Addons

Every business faces a unique set of risks and hazards and TPL Insurance, through its exquisite team of underwriting professionals, provides the right coverage to help prevent and minimise losses.

This is the basic Property Insurance Policy designed to cover insured properties (i.e. buildings, stock, machinery and other contents) whilst at specified locations and compensate to the insured individual or firm in the event of loss or firm in the event of loss or damage caused by Fire and Lightning, Riot, Strike and Civil Commotion, Explosion (limited or domestic), Atmospheric Disturbance, Earthquake Fire and Shock, Burglary and Housebreaking, Aircraft or Aerial Devices falling, Malicious damage, Impact by road vehicles, Escape of water and Sprinkler leakage


Business interruption (BI) Insurance covering the reduction in the gross profit or revenue as a result of a shortage in turnover due to physical loss/damages resulting from fire or other allied perils.

The business interruption policy achieves this by: 1, Continuing to pay part of the ongoing costs and expenses which cannot be paid out of reduced income
2, Making up the shortfall in net profit
3, Paying for extra cost incurred in order to prevent or reduce the loss in income such as

  • Overtime Payments
  • The cost of provisional repairs
  • Installation of temporary machinery
  • The cost of sub-contracting work
  • The cost of alternative premises


We offer market-lead terrorism insurance solutions to protect businesses from devastating losses to physical assets resulting from acts of terrorism.

Terrorism means the use of violence for political ends and includes any use of violence for the purpose of putting the public or any section of the public in fear.
